Change Ownership of a Horse

How to Change or Edit the Owner/Trainer of a Horse, Ownership Percentage, and Split Ownership, Including Editing Ownership Changes on Finalized Invoices and Billing Corrections

There are various ways to adjust the ownership of a horse, change an ownership percentage for split owners, and update the owner or trainer information right in the field from the mobile app, or from the office in the Web Admin. Below are various helpful steps for these changes.

Various scenarios for common workflows can be found below, with step-by-step instructions and examples.

From the Mobile App:

Start by choose the Patient (horse), then follow the below steps based on what you are changing:

To update or edit the current owner/trainer's information:

From the Patient (horse) profile screen, tap on the Owners name at the lower left on the patient profile screen. A box will pop up where you can quickly edit their information such as phone number, e-mail address, etc. then tap Save.

To change the current owner's ownership percentage: 

*Important Note* When adding a new owner, changing an owner, or changing the percentage of ownership, you must select the Owner Date so that ONLY invoices from that date moving forward are adjusted with that change.

1) From the Patient (horse) profile screen, tap on the Owners & Trainers tab on the right hand list on the Patient Profile screen.

2) This opens the Owner/Trainer screen. Tap on the ownership percentage for the owner you wish to adjust. Enter the new amount, and "OK" to save.

To change the Owner of a horse to a different or new owner, including multiple owners: 

*Important Note* When adding a new owner, changing an owner, or changing the percentage of ownership, you must select the Owner Date so that ONLY invoices from that date moving forward are adjusted with that change.

Choose the Patient, then tap on the Owners & Trainers tab on the right-hand list on the Patient Profile screen.

1) This opens the Owner/Trainer screen. To delete an owner so you can select a new one, swipe left across the row for that owner, and tap Delete.

2) Now tap the plus sign (+) at the top right to add a new owner. You can enter a new customer's information, or tap Existing Customer to choose one.
You may need to scroll up within this content box to see all the available options such as if this owner is also a trainer (green = yes, grey = no), and adjust the ownership percentage (at the very bottom of the content box). If the horse has multiple owners, you can set a percentage, and do this step again by tapping the + sign, adding another owner, and adjusting their ownership percentage so that the horse is at 100% ownership. You can enter whatever information you have on the spot and fill in more information anytime (such as an address, phone number, etc). 

From the Web Admin:

Start by going to Patients, then follow the below steps based on what you are changing:

To update or edit the current owner/trainer's information:

1) Go to Owners, then click on the owner's name to open their information.

2) Click the pencil icon (top right) to edit their information.

3) Edit information, then click Save.

To change the current owner's ownership percentage or date of ownership: 

*Important Note* When adding a new owner, changing an owner, or changing the percentage of ownership, you must select the Owner Date so that ONLY invoices from that date moving forward are adjusted with that change.

1) From the Patient (horse) list, click on the horse's name.

2) Then select the Owners tab, and click Edit to adjust the ownership percentage or ownership date. Click "Update" to save your changes.

To change the Owner of a horse to a different or new owner, including multiple owners: 

*Important Note* When adding a new owner, changing an owner, or changing the percentage of ownership, you must select the Owner Date so that ONLY invoices from that date moving forward are adjusted with that change.

1) Choose the Patient, then tap on the Owners tab.

2) Click on + Add Patient Owners, then click on as many owners as you need to add (for split ownership), or + Add Owner to add a new owner.

3) You can then edit the ownership percentage by clicking on Edit, then adjusting the percentages. Total percentage must equal 100%.

Change or Adjust the Ownership For Current or Past Invoices (From the Web Admin):

When Horse Ownership Changes After Invoice(s) Have Been Created / Re-Billing to New Owner or Owner Percentage Change

*Important Note* When adding a new owner, changing an owner, or changing the percentage of ownership, you must select the Owner Date so that ONLY invoices from that date moving forward are adjusted with that change.

Step One:

1. Go to the patient profile, choose patient, then select the Owners tab from the menu at left.

2. Click on the "Add Patient Owners" button to add a new owner, or Update Owners button.

3. You can edit ownership percentages and date of ownership. Click "Cancel" to discard changes, "Confirm" to save changes (a new window will load with invoices that are affected). It is very important to be sure the date you choose for ownership change is correct as you will be making changes to existing invoices.

*Note* If you have 3 owners with equal shares, one owner has to be 33.4 % for it to total 100%.

Step Two:

1. ThoroVet will search for unpaid invoices for that horse, where these new changes may affect an invoice. A screen will display a list of invoices that may need to be deleted and re-billed for the corrected ownership. You will be able to download and E-Mail or mail these new invoices.

Note: If you have 3 owners with equal shares, one owner has to be 33.4 % for it to total 100%.

Below is an example of the invoices that have now been generated with the updated, and corrected, ownership percentages so that you can re-bill.

If you would like to make changes to the invoices, but not actually send/e-mail them, you can keep the check boxes blank and click Cancel. This will save the invoices and changes, without actually sending the new bills to your customers.


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