How to Manage and Set-Up Reminders
This step by step guide will show you how to set up and manage your reminder settings for Plan items (products/services), how to run reports , and how to quickly set a reminder during an exam from the Web Admin and Mobile App.
Important Tips:
- All plan items (products/services) can have a reminder set up. You can customize the options for when, how often, and to whom the reminder sends to.
- Reminders are sent out as an e-mail with your practice logo/information, along with custom notes if desired.
- All reminder e-mails will automatically come from this e-mail address: so it is important to have your reply-to email address listed in your default message should your clients have a question or need to respond.
- Reminder reports allow you to have a better idea on upcoming appointments to help with ordering supplies or planning your schedule
- There are "two sides" to reminders:
- Setting up a reminder type for a plan item (see Tutorial #1 below) so that when that item is used in an exam (evaluation), the reminder is already setup and you have to do very little to configure, set the due date, set the reminder dates, who it goes to, notes, etc. Setting up your reminder types ahead of time is more convenient later on.
- Adding a reminder to an item during an exam while you are in the Plan section of the Evaluation. This can be done through a full SOAP or you can add a reminder from the day sheet. This is the the "actual" step of setting up a reminder where you say "these specific customers will receive a reminder for this patient and this item on these dates". When you enter the reminder screen, if you've already done step #1 of pre-setting up your reminder types (above) for that item, then the fields will automatically be filled in speeding up the process. However, you can change any of those values for this specific reminder.
In This Guide:
Tutorial 1: How to Set-Up Reminder Types / E-Mail Message
Tutorial 2: How to Create Default Reminder Settings for Products/Services
Tutorial 3: Setting a Reminder During Exam (Mobile App)
Tutorial 4: Setting a Reminder During Exam (Web Admin)
Tutorial 5: Reminder Reports
Tutorial 1:
How to Set-Up and Manage Reminder Types (Example: Vaccine, Repro, etc.) / E-mail Messages
(From the Web Admin)
- From the Web Admin (on your computer), go to “Manage Accounts” and select the “Reminder Types” box to create/set reminder type settings.
- Click on “Add Reminder Setting” to add a new type or “View Details” to edit an existing reminder type. Reminder type examples: Vaccination, Repro Check, etc.You can edit your default reminder date options (1 day before, 30 days before, etc.), default send to vet, owner(s), trainer(s). All of these can be edited during an evaluation if you need to adjust it on an as-needed basis (see this further down in the tutorial).
From here, you can edit the options for that Reminder Type (example: Vaccination), and add a custom note that will automatically include in the email that is sent out with each reminder.
- Reminder Email:
ThoroVet has default reminder emails that automatically send out based on the options you have selected for each type of reminder. You can add a custom note to our default message for each Reminder Type (example: maybe you have specific notes you want included for vaccinations versus repro checks, etc.) - All reminder e-mails will automatically come from this e-mail address: so it is important to have your reply-to email address listed in your default message should your clients have a question or need to respond.
Example of default e-mail that will be sent with your reminder(s) is below:
Your logo and practice information is automatically formatted into the reminder if you have set up your logo and information already. This can be edited from the web admin under Manage Account > Account Details. The default message will include the following message:
<Patient Name Automatically Inserted Here> is coming due for < Plan Item Name Automatically Inserted Here> soon on < Due Date Chosen Inserted Here>. If you would like to schedule an appointment please call us today at <Practice Phone Number Inserted Here>.
The custom note that you can add into Reminder Settings on a plan item, including when doing an evaluation and setting the reminder for that specific horse, will be added at the bottom of the e-mail.
Tutorial 2:
How to Create or Edit a Reminder for Products / Services (Plan Items):
(From the Web Admin and Mobile App)
- From the Web Admin, go to Manage Account > Manage SOAP > PLAN
- Create new items by clicking on "+ Add Item" or edit existing items by clicking on the item name to view details (then click the pencil icon at top right to edit).
- There will be a checkbox option that will enable you to set the reminder settings for that item, both when setting up a new item or editing an existing item. Click that check box to set-up/edit the
Check the check box to enable editing the reminder settings. Click on the Reminder type drop down and select your reminder type. These reminder types were created in your first steps (Manage Account > Manage Reminder Settings), remember you can create more reminder types or edit them at any time. By creating these reminder types you will have default settings already set up. This will load all reminder type settings for that particular type. You can overwrite the default settings by editing each option in the settings for your particular product/service item.
All reminder e-mails will automatically come from this e-mail address: so it is important to have your reply-to email address listed in your default message should your clients have a question or need to respond.
Tutorial 3:
Setting a Reminder During An Evaluation / Creating an Invoice:
(From Mobile App)
To set a reminder during an evaluation/creating an invoice, go to your evaluation, then the Plan Tab.
Add item(s) to the plan. You can also create new Plan items on the spot from your iPad including your reminder settings (see screenshot below). If you set up a reminder, when you complete/finalize the invoice it will automatically e-mail the reminder to those selected (vet, trainer, owner(s) on the date or day(s) chosen.
- From the Plan tab, tap on the clock icon to create a reminder for this patient and edit your options. The clock icon will appear green if it has an active reminder set-up, and stay grey if no reminder.
When the Reminder options box opens, choose your Reminder Type (example: Injections, Dental, Repro, etc.) to insert the default settings (these are created/edited in Tutorial 1, Manage Reminder Types from Web Admin).
Tutorial 4:
Setting a Reminder During An Evaluation / Creating an Invoice:
(From Web Admin)
To set a reminder during an evaluation/creating an invoice, go to evaluations and then to the evaluation Plan Tab.
Add item(s) to the plan and then click the Create Reminder button.
You can adjust the options as needed for the patient such as due date, date options for the reminder, and who to send the reminder to. If you set up a reminder, when you complete/finalize the invoice it will automatically e-mail the reminder to those selected (vet, trainer, owner(s) on the date or day(s) chosen.
When the Reminder options box opens, choose your Reminder Type (example: Injections, Dental, Repro, etc.) to insert the default settings (these are created/edited in Tutorial 1, Manage Reminder Types from Web Admin).
- Once you have set-up a reminder for a plan item during the evaluation, it will say "Edit Reminder". Items that show "Create Reminder" do not have a reminder.
Tutorial 5:
How to Run Reports for Your Reminders (Mobile App and Web Admin)
From the Web Admin or Mobile App, go to Reports, then Reminder.
You can choose filters such as the vet, date range, specific owners/trainers, specific plan item, etc. This feature is an easy way to see what upcoming vaccines are due, etc. This can help not only with monthly planning, but ordering inventory as well.