Treatment History At A Glance

View All Treatment History At a Glance 

How to quickly view a patient's treatment history from the Web, when viewing any past Evaluation.

Looking to share treatment history medical records? Learn how {HERE}

From the Web Admin:

Start by simply going to a Patient's page (either from the Patients section, or while looking under an owner or trainer at their patient's), choose a Patient, then click on Treatment History. You can then select the "View Eval" button for any evaluation. Clicking on the Treatment History button at the top will instantly show you a full list of past treatments along the right hand window.

From the Mobile App on the iPad:

There are various places you can quickly pull up treatment history from the mobile app, anytime you see a "Treatment History" button. We've put them in various places so you can always find it quickly when stall-side. Here are some of the most common work-flows from the mobile app to view treatment history:

  • From the Patient Profile - go to Patients, then tap on Treatment History next to any Patient's name. This will pull up a list you can scroll through for a quick overview of treatments. Simply tap on the desired treatment by date, from the left-hand list, to tap through the full history.
  • From the Customer Profile - you can also view treatment history under a Customer's name (owners/trainers) to view all of their horse's treatment history. 
  • From the Day Sheet - simply tap on the grey row (on the horse's name to open their Patient Profile, or on the Customer name to open the customer's profile). You can find treatment history in any of these places. 
  • During an Evaluation - while doing an exam, simply tap on Treatment History from the left hand menu to view a Patient's treatment history there.

Tap on the list of treatments, sorted by date, on the left menu to quickly view that treatment history.


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