Create Bundled Items / Bundles

Create a group of products/services into a Bundle to make billing even easier. During an evaluation you can select your pre-made bundled item to automatically add into your evaluation, and then invoice.

Create a Bundle (from the Web Admin only)

To create a bundle, go to the Web Admin > Manage Account > SOAP > PLAN Products/Services. Click on Add Item. Click on the "Bundle" bubble to make sure the item is selected as a bundle before you start choosing products/services to add.

Be sure the Bundle bubble is selected before you begin.

Note: If you are trying to add a product to your bundle and it isn't appearing but you know it is usually there, you may have some text still in the search filter field. Clear out any text in the top search bar that may be impacting the filtered results.

Add your products/services

You can then adjust your details as needed.

The below images show you examples of a bundle a bundle that was selected during an evaluation.

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