Manage Locations / Farms / Addresses

Manage Locations: Farms and Customer or Patient Addresses and Shared Locations

Shared locations in ThoroVet allow you to manage locations that may see multiple patients. For example, you can list out multiple Barns or Farms that you visit while seeing patients. This will then tie into the Appointment process as well as to patient lists from those locations.

To manage the shared locations, you will need to access the Manage Account area (from the Web Admin) and click on Shared Locations. From here you will be able to Add a new location or Import/Export in bulk your current locations. In addition you are able to edit existing locations previously created.

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Add New Location – To add a new location click on Add Location button. This will allow you to fill in the appropriate information relating to that location.

  • Location Type – This is a drop-down menu of the different types of location you can assign to this location. You may manage these options from the Pull-Down List (Add link)
  • Address Type – Drop down menu selecting the Type of address for this location
  • Name – The name of the Farm, Barn, etc.
  • Notes – Any notes you would like to store relating to this location.

Import Locations – If you already have a master list of locations you visit. You can import those into ThoroVet. To do so click on the Import/Export button. This will give you three options

  • Export – If you wish to export your list of locations from ThoroVet you can click that button and will save out your locations into an Excel file.
  • Import – You should first download a template, so you have the proper import format. To do so click on the download template button. An Excel file will be saved to your local computer. At that time can complete the excel document. When ready click on the Import button. This will open a file explorer to find the document you created.

Edit Existing Location – You have the ability to edit an existing location including the details relating to the location. To do so click on the name of the location you wish to edit. Once loaded click the pencil button to edit the details of that location. You can also click on the Horses tab and associate patients to this location or edit existing patients that are already associated with that location.

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