Adding Case Documents, Images, Files and Sharing With Medical Record
Adding/Viewing Case Documents to a Patient's Account or Specific Evaluation:
Add photos, images, videos, and files into a Patient Profile. You can access these files anytime, even without an internet connection. You can add dental charts, lab work, discharge sheets from referral clinics, PPE reports, and more.
Uploading Case Documents, Photos/Videos/Documents on the Mobile App:
Add Case Documents by going to Menu > Patients > and choose Documents in the left menu. Then click Upload Document (top right button). You can upload documents, pdf files, excel sheets, for files under 10 MB.
Add Photos/Videos the same way, only going to the Photos/Videos tab, then Upload Photo/Video (top right button). You can upload images and/or videos here. This is also where you would upload radiograph or ultrasound images for quick reference.
Note that all case documents, photos, and videos are uploaded under the Menu > Patients section, within a specific horse’s account.
Delete a case document by clicking the pencil icon next to the document to edit/remove.
Looking for how to add DICOM images? View Tutorial Here
Uploading Case Documents, Photos/Videos from the Web Admin:
Add Case Documents to Patient Profile General Documents Folder by going to Patients > Case Documents. Then Upload Document(s). You can upload documents, pdf files, excel sheets, for files under 10 MB.
Add Photos/Videos by going to Patients > Photos/Videos. You can upload images and/or videos here. This is also where you would upload radiograph or ultrasound images for quick reference.
Note that all case documents, photos, and videos are uploaded under the Menu > Patients section, within a specific horse’s account. Be sure to Sync the app to pull in any documents you or the office has added from the Web Admin, so that they then appear on your iPad as well.
Delete a case document by clicking the pencil icon next to the document to edit/remove.
Looking for how to add DICOM images? View Tutorial Here
Add Case Documents to a Patient's Specific Evaluation Record from the Mobile App:
You can share the medical record (Evaluation), such as if you need to e-mail the evaluation with discharge summary and any images/case documents, and the specific attachments will send with that record. You can take a picture with the ipad, annotate or draw on the image, add lab work, files, etc. You can then choose if you would like those case documents attached to that Evaluation to be included when you share that medical record, or not include them. Step 1 - Adding the Case Docs:
From within your evaluation, tap on Case Documents from the lower left menu. Here you can upload images, videos, files, documents, or take pictures or videos from your iPad. You will be asked if you wish to annotate the image(s) where you can circle or draw on the images as well. You can tap on the name of the case doc added where a pop-up box will appear allowing you to change the file name or add notes.
Delete a case document by clicking the pencil icon next to the document to edit/remove.
Step 2 - Sharing the Medical Record With Your Specific Case Documents:
Go to Patients > Treatment History. Tap on the specific Evaluation you wish the share (or all).
Choose to include Case Document(s), or not include, when you share the medical record(s).
Tap on the e-mail icon to share the medical record. The example below shows how we chose to share one treatment history record + the case document image attached to it. The image is included in the e-mail.
Add Case Documents to a Patient's Specific Evaluation Record from the Web Admin:
Go to an Evaluation and click on "Case Documents/Images" within that Evaluation, then choose the file(s) to upload. These will now be attached directly to that specific evaluation, rather than just in the Patient's general Documents Folder. You can then share that evaluation medical record via e-mail, and those attached case documents will be included.
Step 1 - Adding the Case Docs:
While doing an Evaluation > Start your Evaluation > Click on Case Documents > Upload Documents.
Step 2 - Sharing the Medical Record With Your Specific Case Documents: